Save Big. Sacrifice Nothing.
The MLS is the most effective and powerful way to advertise and sell your home. In fact, 90% of home buyers search MLS listings on the Internet to find their next home. You have a choice. You can pay a big fat commission based on the sale price of your home to list on MLS or you can pay a low fixed flat fee for the exact same listing and service. Home Avenue offers all the same marketing, MLS exposure, local and national web portals and support that commission based brokers do at a fraction of the cost. Home Avenue customers on average sell for more money in less time than the average for traditional commission based brokers. (Source: Minnesota Realtor)

Traditional Agent/Broker Myths
Don’t Believe the Traditional Agent/Broker Hype
Traditional agents/brokers livelihood depends on charging a high commission to list your home. They will say anything to persuade you to pay a big fat listing commission and scare you away from selling the flat fee way. Below are some of the more common misconceptions.

The Only Difference Is All The Money You Will Save